Comparing Fixed Price Projects to an Unlimited Webflow Development Subscription

Comparing Fixed Price Projects to an Unlimited Webflow Development Subscription

February 27, 2023
min read

As a freelance Webflow developer, I offer two ways for companies to work with me: fixed-price projects and unlimited Webflow development subscriptions. In this article, I'll compare the two options and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Fixed Price Projects

Fixed-price projects involve agreeing on a set price for a specific project or task. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this option:


  • Clarity on project scope: With a fixed-price project, the scope of work is clearly defined upfront, which can prevent scope creep and misunderstandings.
  • A clear timeline: Fixed-price projects usually have a set timeline, which can help both the client and the developer plan and manage their time effectively.
  • A defined budget: Clients know exactly how much they will need to pay for the project, which can be helpful for budgeting purposes.


  • Going over budget: If the project ends up being more complex than initially anticipated, it could result in going over the agreed-upon budget.
  • The limited scope of work: With a fixed-price project, the scope of work is limited to what was agreed upon, which could prevent the client from requesting additional work that falls outside the scope of the project.
  • Potential for misunderstandings: Despite the clarity upfront, there may still be potential for misunderstandings or disagreements between the client and the developer.

Unlimited Webflow Development Subscription

An unlimited Webflow development subscription involves a set monthly, quarterly, or yearly fee for an agreed-upon amount of work. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this option.



  • Flexibility in the amount of work: Clients can request as much work as they need without worrying about going over a set number of hours or budget.
  • Ongoing support: With an unlimited subscription, the developer becomes another member of the client's team, providing ongoing support and maintenance to the client's website.
  • Potential for a long-term relationship: An unlimited subscription can lead to a long-term relationship between the client and the developer, which can be beneficial for both parties.



  • Unclear expectations and scope of work: The open-ended nature of an unlimited subscription could result in unclear expectations and scope of work, which may require ongoing communication and management.
  • Need for ongoing communication: To ensure the client's needs are being met, there may be a need for ongoing communication between the client and the developer.
  • Potential for a lower income per project: The open-ended nature of an unlimited subscription could result in a lower income per project for the developer.

Factors to Consider

When deciding between fixed-price projects and an unlimited Webflow development subscription, companies should consider the following factors:

  • Budget: Fixed-price projects offer a clear budget upfront, while an unlimited subscription may require ongoing payments.
  • Scope of work: If the client has a specific, well-defined project, a fixed-price project may be more appropriate. An unlimited subscription may be the better choice if the client needs ongoing support and maintenance.
  • Timeline: Fixed-price projects usually have a set timeline, while unlimited subscriptions offer ongoing support and maintenance.
  • Long-term goals: An unlimited subscription can lead to a long-term relationship between the client and the developer, which may be beneficial for the client's long-term goals.
  • Cost of a Full-Time Employee: Consider the cost of recruiting and employing a full-time senior webflow expert versus engaging a freelance webflow developer on an unlimited development subscription.
  • Ongoing Support and Training: Consider the benefits of ongoing, live support and training that an unlimited development subscription can offer to in-house marketing teams.


Both fixed-price projects and unlimited Webflow development subscriptions have their advantages and disadvantages. To decide which one is right for you, consider your budget, scope of work, timeline, and long-term goals for your websites. As a freelance Webflow developer, I offer both options and am happy to discuss your specific needs to help you make the best decision for your company.

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